First time doing this !! Not much to say, really. I mostly just wanted to put a journal here because I know a lot of other people do it on their sites LOL. And idk maybe I'll look back on this when I'm like 40 and have kids and I'll say "wow! I was really boring and lame when I was 16!!" We'll see how it goes I guess.
I really don't know what to talk about here ummmmm. Rn as I am typing this it is December 13, 2023, at 1:38 AM. I'm labelling this entry as December 12 though since it's still basically the same day. I haven't rlly done anything with this site since I made it (08/12/23) because I don't know any html and I got bored. But today I felt like working on it some more so maybe this time I'll actually finish working on it (well idk if this is the kind of thing you finish really? i'd like 2 think this website will be like a forever changing and growing entity but. also i do want to, like, get the css looking a bit better now before i really start putting the actual fun stuff in)
I also don't rlly know how to organize the pages for these but. whatever I'll deal with it later.
Anyways!! I guess if I'm going with the idea that I'm writing this for the me of the future I should talk about what I'm doing in the present (or the past, if the person reading this actually is me at age 40 LOL). I don't do anything that interesting though so there isn't anything to talk about. I'm excited for Christmas. I've been listening to lots of good music lately (well. mostly just kpop so nothing that interesting i guess? but it is really fun. i like skz and p1h the best. and also taemin from shinee.). I watched 'I want to eat your pancreas' for the first time today and it was very underwhelming. Tomorrow I'm babysitting my niece and nephew (and I did today too). That's mostly it !! Like I said it is all very uninteresting. Maybe I should try to do more interesting things just so that I have stuff to put on here LOL.
Maybe I can add some songs I've been listening to here? Since like I said I've been listening to lots of good music lately and I rlly enjoy it!! Eventually I want to make a dedicated page for that kind of thing but for now I'll put some stuff here!! I don't really know who I'm putting it here for since. I doubt anyone will read this other than the aforementioned 40 year old me (hi again) but. I like music. So I wanna show off some of the stuff I've been liking lately.
- strawberry cheeks by Ūla (what I'm listening to rn and what made me wanna share LOL. i rlly like this one and futon by the same artist so maybe eventually i should listen to more of their stuff...)
- Bad For Business by Sabrina Carpenter (EMAILS I CAN'T SEND!!!!! <3 one of my fav albums rn I love all of them.. but bad for business is one of my favs i think)
- Take A Chance With Me by NIKI (this one....makes me wish i was in love with someone so i could think abt them w this song LOL)
- mona lisa by mxmtoon (i've heard other mxmtoon stuff before but this is my fav of hers by far.. so good+relateable)
- Red Lights by Stray Kids (SKZZZ!!!!!! love all their songs sm but i'll only put one on this list annd it's red lights bc i've looped it so much. it's just so good... and bonus points for it having one of my biases in it of course)
- Glimpse of Us by Joji (ik the lyrics are sad but to me this song is just pure chill vibes i love it i need a million other songs to listen to just like it)
- Guilty by Taemin (I Think This One Has Awoken Something In Me. i simply think that taemin is the hottest person on the planet sorry.)
- Fall In Love Again by P1Harmony (MY FAV KPOP GROUP !!!!!!!!!!! all their songs are so good i picked fila since it's the most recent release but. if i could put all their songs on this list i would tbh)
- libidO by OnlyOneOf (kpop group i just found out about yesterday but am slowly becoming obsessed with. this songs choreo is. wowee. oh boy. that's all i'll say)
That's everything!!! I'll end this entry here I think... I was gonna work on the site more tonight but, as mentioned it's rlly late (2:10 AM now, if you're curious) so I might just go to sleep........... tiredness finally hitting me. Hopefully tomorrow I can do more !! I do really enjoy this even though some of it is rlly hard. I wanna learn how to be good at it though !! And maybe this site will be a nice place to put my silly thoughts and stuff. We'll see!!!

look at her